
30 November 2023

New drug could help dogs to live longer

A new drug could extend the lifespan of dogs. The San Francisco biotech company Loyal has received confirmation from the Food and Drug Administration for Veterinary Medicine that its LOY-001 drug ...
30 November 2023

Eating nuts adds years to a person's life

Snacking on nuts could extend your life. Iranian researchers have discovered that a particular type of fibre found in the popular food item cuts the risk of dying from heart disease ...

30 November 2023

Nub TV will teach the world to summon UFOs this Christmas

Nub TV will teach the world how to summon a UFO this Christmas. Pocket Gods frontman Mark Christopher Lee and Guy Thompson will attempt to summon a spacecraft live on air ...

29 November 2023

Injecting fat cells into scalp could stop baldness

A simple injection into the scalp could prevent baldness. Boffins say that injecting fat cells into the scalp could stop or even reverse hair loss as the process has been found ...

29 November 2023

City bees have larger brains

Bees in the city have bigger brains. New research suggests insects that reside in urban areas have an intelligence advantage over those that buzz around the countryside. Scientists measured the brain and ...

29 November 2023

Construction worker has legs extended by 22cm to achieve digger dream

A man had his legs extended by 22cm to realise his dream of driving diggers. Construction worker Tom Huschenbett, 23, previously stood at 4 foot 3 inches but has now increased ...

29 November 2023

Fast walking cuts Type 2 diabetes danger

Walking quickly lowers the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. A new study has revealed that walking at a pace of 3km per hour or more cuts the chances of developing ...

28 November 2023

Historic London to New York flight fuelled by cooking oil

A pioneering flight from London to New York will be powered by cooking oil. Virgin Atlantic is operating the flight from London Heathrow to John F. Kennedy International Airport on Tuesday ...
28 November 2023

Man had chopsticks stuck in his brain for five months

A man was unaware that he had chopsticks wedged in his brain for five months. The 35-year-old male from Vietnam was rushed to hospital after suffering with crippling headaches and a ...

28 November 2023

Spider lays eggs in holidaymaker's toe

A spider laid eggs inside a cruise ship passenger's toe. Colin Blake and his wife were spending the evening in the French city of Marseille on the holiday to mark their ...

28 November 2023

Humans develop brilliant talents after alien encounters

Humans who have had close encounters with aliens develop amazing talents. An expert has claimed that one individual who had been unable to play a note suddenly became an excellent pianist ...

27 November 2023

Less than half of population want a funeral when they die

Less than half of the population want a funeral when they die. A new study by the religious think tank Theos has found that only 47 per cent of people are ...
27 November 2023

'Super pigs' could invade the United States

Fears are growing in the United States about an invasion of "super pigs" from Canada. The population of the feral hogs - which have been described as "the most invasive animal ...

27 November 2023

Pet snakes are getting too fat

Obesity is on the rise in pet snakes. Some reptiles only eat one big meal per year in the wild but those in captivity are often fed on a weekly basis ...
27 November 2023

Popcorn reduces dementia risk

Eating popcorn on a daily basis slashes the risk of dementia. A new study suggests that including the popular cinema snack in your diet is associated with a lower risk of ...

24 November 2023

20 minutes of exercise can revitalise a tired brain

20 minutes of exercise can boost a tired brain after a poor night's sleep. A study asked 24 people to complete maths tests and puzzles both before and after riding a ...

24 November 2023

UFO whistleblower claims that 10 alien bodies are now in human hands

UFO whistleblower David Grusch has claimed that at least 10 alien bodies are in human hands. The US Air Force veteran has alleged that saucer "pilots" numbering into "double digits" were ...

24 November 2023

New dinosaur species identified in Brazil

Scientists have identified a new species of dinosaur in Brazil. The nation's geological service announced on Thursday (23.11.23) that they had discovered the speedy dinosaur that lived in the desert through ...

24 November 2023

Babies start learning language in the womb

Babies begin to learn language before they are born. Scientists have discovered that expectant mothers who chat to their unborn babies boost their children's linguistic skills in the strongest evidence yet ...

23 November 2023

Cats and dogs keep the mind sharp

Cats and dogs prevent the brain from ageing. Researchers in the United States have discovered that owning either a pooch or feline slows cognitive decline in later life. Experts analysed 637 people ...
23 November 2023

Loch Ness Monster could be an algae-based creature

The Loch Ness Monster could actually be an algae-based blob. Investigators collected water samples from the Scottish lake during the largest search for Nessie in 50 years in the summer and ...

22 November 2023

Coffee grounds could cure Alzheimer's and Parkinson's

Coffee grounds could hold the key to curing Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. US researchers have discovered that caffeic acid-based Carbon Quantum Dots - made from the waste from a cup of ...

22 November 2023

Sports fans suffer brain shutdown when their team loses

Part of sports fans' brains shut down when their favourite team loses. A new study has found that the section of the organ responsible for how people respond to events is ...

21 November 2023

Healthy diet switch adds eight years to your life

Switching to a healthy diet in middle age could extend your life. A 40-year-old woman could live approximately eight years and seven months longer if they make simple changes such as ...