
18 December 2023

Christmas carol singing can cure diseases.

Singing Christmas carols can help cure some diseases. Scientists have discovered that singing festive hits with strangers gives people a hormonal lift that is linked to greater wellbeing and reduced rates ...

18 December 2023

Weekend sleep saves lives

Lie-ins could save your life. Sleeping for an additional two hours on a day off from work cuts the possibility of suffering a heart attack or stroke in those who do ...

15 December 2023

Cats love to play fetch on their own terms

Cats love playing fetch - but only if they are in control of the game. Scientists have discovered that many felines enjoy the game just as much as dogs and particularly ...

15 December 2023

Eating earlier reduces heart attack and stroke danger

Eating meals at earlier times can cut the risk of heart attack and stroke. A large study involving more than 100,000 people in France discovered that those who skipped breakfast and ...

15 December 2023

Human breathing harms the environment

Breathing is bad for the environment. A new study claims that the gases expelled from human lungs during respiration are contributing to global warming as the methane and nitrous oxide in ...

15 December 2023

Man tears hole in throat as he attempts to stop sneeze

A man tore a hole in his throat as he attempted to stifle a sneeze. The unnamed patient - who is in his 30s - was taken to Ninewells Hospital in ...

14 December 2023

Vikings yanked out their teeth to deal with terrible aches

Vikings were forced to pull out their own teeth to deal with agonising aches. Analysis of more than 3,200 teeth from 171 Swedish Vikings revealed that they suffered large cavities that ...

14 December 2023

Mindful yoga improves sleep and memory

20 minutes of yoga can improve both sleep and memory. New research has discovered that practicing yoga nidra - a type of mindfulness training - improves sleep and cognitive abilities, even ...

14 December 2023

Space chiefs plan to send 11,000mph rocketships to Mars

Space experts want to send 11,000mph rockets to Mars. European Space Agency (ESA) boffins are researching "aerocapture", a process that will see spaceships set off for the Red Planet without the ...

14 December 2023

Warning issued against eating fresh snow

People have been warned not to eat white snow. A new study has revealed that even fresh snowflakes have a lethal cocktail of tiny rocks, pollution, bacteria, viruses and road salt. Skiers ...

13 December 2023

'Mind-reading' helmet can turn brainwaves into words

Scientists have developed a groundbreaking 'mind-reading helmet' that translates brainwaves into words. The remarkable technology works using a sensor-covered helmet that analyses specific electrical activity in the brain as the wearer ...

13 December 2023

Youngsters are scared to order at restaurants

A third of young diners are too frightened to order their own food at a restaurant. A new survey has found that "menu anxiety" is felt the most by Gen Z ...

13 December 2023

Cats are prolific predators prepared to eat any species

Cats will eat almost anything. Analysis has revealed that felines are "generalist predators" that will prey on more than 2,000 species, including sparrows, mice and bullfrogs. Researchers from Auburn University in the ...

13 December 2023

Alien life could be found in massive reservoir

Aliens could be living in a giant sea. Scientists have discovered the largest reservoir ever detected, which contains 140 trillion times the amount of all the water in Earth's oceans. The experts ...

12 December 2023

Rejecting party invites is good for mental health

Turning down party invitations can be good for your mental health. Experts at West Virginia University have conducted a survey that discovered that over three-quarters of people have accepted an invitation ...

12 December 2023

Aliens sucked up toxic radiation after Chernobyl disaster

Aliens landed at the Chernobyl disaster to "suck radiation from the air". Extraterrestrial obsessives are convinced that beings from outer space come to Earth to assist the human race during tragic ...

12 December 2023

Exercise reduces breast cancer risk by 10 per cent in younger women

Exercise cuts a woman's risk of developing breast cancer by 10 per cent. Activities including walking, cycling and other sports all reduce the possibility of developing the disease before the menopause ...

12 December 2023

Retirement makes people healthy

Retirement makes people healthier. A new study from across 10 European countries found that giving up work has a transformative impact on a person's health as those who had retired were ...

11 December 2023

AI could be 'ultimate second opinion' on health issues

Artificial intelligence could provide the "ultimate second opinion" on medical conditions. Tests using AI software showed that it is capable of diagnosing issues at least as accurately as doctors using X-rays ...

11 December 2023

Scientists call for new era on Moon to reflect human influence

A new era should be declared on the Moon to recognise human dominance. Human activity first disrupted the lunar surface when the USSR's spacecraft Luna 2 left a crater in 1959 ...

11 December 2023

Comfort eating makes stress worse

Comfort eating increases stress. Many people seek solace in unhealthy snacks during anxious times but they actually impede the body's recovery from the impact of tension. Eating food high in fat prior ...

11 December 2023

Children are the secret to living longer

Having children could be the secret to a longer life. A team from the University of Michigan have conducted a review of the genetic and health information of 276,000 people in ...

8 December 2023

Drinking cocoa can prevent dementia

Drinking cocoa can ward off dementia. Boffins in the United States found that over-65s who took daily cocoa extract supplements performed better in thinking tests, although the effects were only seen ...

8 December 2023

'Music frog' species sounds like a duck

A new species of frog sounds like a duck. The University of Wolverhampton has revealed how the "music frog" was recorded in India and makes a noise that is very similar ...