
15 February 2020

Everything you need for a cruelty free and vegan Pancake Day

Yes it's that time of year again- where we all get a little sticky in the kitchen as we prepare a stack of pancakes to feast on. But if you're ...
9 February 2020

Female First's top vegan Valentine's Day gifts

-  Smith & Sinclair, kinky creators of cocktail confectionery, have applied their signature adult twist to a childhood favourite and invented The Double Dipper plus reimagined its original grown-up Alcoholic Cocktail ...
4 February 2020

Five reasons to drink hemp milk

Vegans have been drinking it for years, but only recently have others started to catch on to the miraculous power of this little wonder seed. Making a small change and ...

4 February 2020

10 Reasons to include hemp as part of a vegan diet

Upon the release of the new range of natural plant protein hemp blends from Linwoods- here we have the benefits of eating hemp as part of a vegan diet.  ...
3 February 2020

Review: Vegan Afternoon Tea at Dobbies Garden Centre, Altrincham

Although afternoon teas are popping up in many eateries across the country to celebrate Veganuary and as a permanent feature on the menu, it’s not often you hear of garden ...
3 February 2020

Seven vegan date ideas for Valentine’s Day

Whether your partner is vegan or you’re a vegan couple- Valentine’s Day can be tricky as it’s often all about dairy loaded desserts and romantic horse and carriage rides. Here ...
27 January 2020

Seven reasons to go to a vegan camping festival

The ultimate vegan camping experience is happening in June 2020 – VFest UK. This brand new event features exciting headline acts, challenging outdoor activities, family entertainment, fun shows, international speakers, ...
22 January 2020

Female First's top vegan condiments

If you’re vegan and like a bit of sauce on the side of your meals for dipping, licking or to bring forth the flavour- look no further- here are some ...
21 January 2020

Female First's top vegan mayonnaise

Miss mayo since going vegan? Now you don't have to, condiment lovers everywhere rejoice... Tantalise those taste buds with Hellmann’s Vegan Squeezy. Promising the same great taste in a convenient ...
15 January 2020

Lou Sanders went vegan when she 'realised how sexy it was'

- When did you decide to go vegan? When I realised how SEXY it was. Which was about three years ago to be fair.   ...

14 January 2020

Five reasons why veggies don’t need a lot of dressing up to be delicious

Written by Jenny Robertson (Brand Manager) from Gosh!  Fruits, vegetables, beans and pulses are some of healthiest natural food sources on the planet. From growing in the ground to hanging on ...
8 January 2020

Female First's top vegan and cruelty free soaps

We've rounded up the best vegan and cruelty free soaps on the market right now.  £4, Sainsburys & Aromatic, luxurious, and moisture-rich - to name a few of the ...
6 January 2020

12 Reasons to include baked beans as part of a vegan diet

Vegans who are also fans of beans on toast everywhere can rejoice as Heinz Baked Beans in tomato sauce are listed by PETA Australia as one of their accidently vegan foods. We look ...
3 January 2020

Female First's top edible vegan products for Veganuary 2020

-  Heinz Beanz, No Added Sugar Beans, 5 Beanz, Organic Beanz, Peri Peri Beans, Fiery Chili Beans, Barbecue Beans, Curry Beans are all vegan. Stockist: Ocado. Seggiano, Raw Basil Pesto: ...
31 December 2019

Female First's top vegan snack boxes

Who doesn't love a cheeky snack or two when you're out and about? Or maybe you generally fancy something naughty when you're at home watching TV. So we have rounded ...
26 December 2019

Vegan hangover cures

We’ve all been there – had one too many vino’s the night before and feeling the after-effects like a ton of bricks. Luckily, I’ve got some tried and tested cures ...
22 December 2019

Female First's top vegan wines

Did you know not all wine is vegan? You'd think it was, given that it's just grapes and all, but sometimes the process of making it means that it's not ...
17 December 2019

Why is maple syrup the natural choice for vegans?

With so many sugar alternatives available on the market, finding the best vegan sweetener isn't an easy task - so what does maple syrup bring to the table? Firstly, it's ...
17 December 2019

Female First's top vegan whiskey

Looking for a Chrsitmas present for your favourite vegan or have you gone plant based and focusing your attention on your booze cupboard? Either way we have you covered!  ...
11 December 2019

Seven reasons to go vegan with your first aid

Each year, Veganuary becomes more popular, with an increasing number of people embracing a vegan diet. Whether you’re wanting to reduce your impact on the world or are simply looking ...
10 December 2019

Will 'Peace on Your Plate' by the vegan Christmas number 1 this year?

The song is being released this Christmas with the aim of spreading a message of peace and positivity, whilst raising money for animal / vegan charities.  This will be available ...
9 December 2019

10 Tips for a healthier New Year by Victoria Featherstone Pearce

Victoria Featherstone Pearce is an award winning model, an actress, a TV and radio host as well as an animal activist and charity founder. She has appeared in numerous TV commercials, for ...
4 December 2019

How to have a very merry vegan Christmas

One of the best parts of Christmas is planning what to eat. But if you have vegetarians or vegans coming to stay, or even if you're just looking for an ...