Dream Interpretation

31 May 2022

National Macaroon Day: What does it mean to dream about a macaroon?

If you see a macaroon on your dream it’s often because you have recently had a well-rounded experience which has given you a new interest or a new skill. Alternatively, ...
31 May 2022

What does it mean to dream about a queen?

To dream about a queen suggests you are suddenly in a position of power and responsibility. Perhaps you have just had a promotion at work and are starting to feel the ...
30 May 2022

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee: What does it mean to dream about platinum?

To dream about platinum suggests you feel you have made it in life. You have reached the dizzy heights in your career, you have achieved all you want to in your ...
30 May 2022

National Water A Flower Day: What does it mean to dream about flowers?

Colourful flowers are symbolic of kindness and compassion in a dreamscape. Flowers are generally given as gifts for celebrations, during illness and in sympathy. The dream could be a sign ...
30 May 2022

National Hole In My Bucket Day: What does it mean to dream about a hole?

Dreaming of being in a hole can have both positive and negative connotations. The most uplifting interpretation is that you are finally realising you have a deeper capacity to succeed and ...
30 May 2022

National Hole In My Bucket Day: What does it mean to dream about a bucket?

If you dreamed of carrying a bucket with something in it- it’s possible you feel burdened by a person or situation in your waking hours. Pay attention to what was in ...
26 May 2022

Queen's Platinum Jubilee: What does it mean to dream about a Jubilee?

A jubilee is a celebration of a day on which something important happened many years ago such as the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee for instance. To dream of one suggests you will ...
25 May 2022

Queen's Platinum Jubilee: What does it mean to dream about a crown?

To dream about a crown suggests that you feel like the most important person in your life or someone else’s right now. The dream could be telling you that if you ...
24 May 2022

Brother's Day: What does it mean to dream about your brother?

To dream about a brother depends entirely on how you feel about them in your waking life.  Siblings often experience rivalry- one is seen to be doing better than the other ...
24 May 2022

National Scavenger Hunt Day: What does it mean to dream about a scavenger?

To dream about a scavenger implies that you are happy to take the scraps that people leave for you- you don’t ask for anything extra.  Do you believe that this is ...
24 May 2022

National Scavenger Hunt Day: What does it mean to dream about a hunt?

To dream about a hunt suggests that you are searching for something with determination.  This could be a new job, a house, a fresh location, a partner or even an item ...
24 May 2022

National Yucatan Shrimp Day: What does it mean to dream about shrimp?

When you see or eat a shrimp in your dream it's likely your life seems meaningless compared to those around you right now. Maybe your friends and family have experienced events that ...
24 May 2022

National Escargot Day: What does it mean to dream about a snail?

When you dream about a snail, it’s probably because you are making slow but steady progress towards a goal. Perhaps your flow is not in line with that of others but you ...
23 May 2022

National Lucky Penny Day: What does it mean to dream about luck?

To dream about luck suggests you’re had a successful streak in your waking hours and you are grateful for it. Perhaps you have come into some money, had a promotion at ...
23 May 2022

National Taffy Day: What does it mean to dream about Taffy?

If you saw or ate taffy in your dream it’s possible you are eating or drinking too many things that are bad for you during your waking hours. More specifically- sugary ...
23 May 2022

National Lucky Penny Day: What does it mean to dream about a penny?

If you see a penny in your dream, you may be worried about poverty or financial loss. Perhaps you have made a bad investment lately or have no money to ...
19 May 2022

What does it mean to dream about the number nineteen (19)?

The Tarot card number 19 is The Sun, so to see the number in your dream indicates happiness, self confidence and success. Perhaps you are in a really good place ...
19 May 2022

National May Ray Day: What does it mean to dream about a ray?

Consider the phrases ‘bag some rays’, ‘catch some rays’, ‘get some rays’ or ‘grab some rays’- perhaps you dreamed about rays because you need to spend more time outdoors and ...
19 May 2022

National May Ray Day: What does it mean to dream about the month of May?

Dreaming about the month of May could mean that you are looking forward to some well needed time off. As there are two bank holidays in this month- you might ...
19 May 2022

What does it mean to dream about food?

To see food in a dream represents both physical and emotional energy and nourishment. Consider the type of food in your dream. Fruit is linked to sensuality, meat refers to ...
19 May 2022

What does it mean to dream about the devil?

To dream about the devil indicates your fears, limitations and the negative things you think about yourself.  Perhaps you’re feeling guilty for something you’ve done, and you need to find way ...
18 May 2022

What does it mean to dream about dirt?

Consider the phrase ‘dish the dirt’- to dream about dirt suggests that you or someone else is spreading gossip or scandal in your waking hours.  If this is you- perhaps ...
18 May 2022

National Cheese Souffle Day: What does it mean to dream about cheese?

If a mouse is taking your cheese in your dream, it’s possible someone is going behind your back in your waking life and you are already suspicious of their sneakiness ...
18 May 2022

National No Dirty Dishes Day: What does it mean to dream about dishes?

If you dream that you were washing dirty dishes then you might be moving on with the next phase of your life. You are finished up with someone or something ...