Gerry Armstrong asks :
Im a 47 year old male. I shave my scroyum and penis as i feel much cleaner and get better sexuale feeling . But whe my friend saw my manhood he said that i was a weirdo for doing this . do you think im doing something wrong.I feel a bit embarrassed and dirty now this has been said to me.
Yin replies
It is entirely up to the individual whether you shave or not. There is no right and wrong here. Some men believe, like you, that they feel cleaner and it improves their sex life. If this is your preference then that is acceptable. Your friend has probably said this because it is something that he has not done, of thought of doing. Grooming in men (down there) is more prevalent now, with more men getting ‘back, sack and crack’ waxes than ever before. It is not cleaner either way; however it is how it makes you feel, just as a lot of women opt to rid themselves of their pubic hair, men do too. A lot of men do trim the hair around that area as an alternative to shaving too.
Yang replies
The only thing to be careful with is not to cut yourself, as there are many nerve endings around the groin area that can bleed profusely if cut. Perhaps use an electric shaver to avoid accidents. An after shaving crème might also be wise to avoid the itchiness associated with regrowth of the hairs
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