Alice asks :
I'm 42 and have just started online dating after being single for 2 years (I have 2 kids). I met a great man, went on a date that went really well, he rang most days, emailed and texted. We went on a second date, on a pic nic, spent 6 hours together, kissed and cuddled. He told me lots of personal and intimate stuff, talked about seeing me again. He sent me a text when I got home, but after that nothing. In the week since that date he didn't reply to an email or a text I sent, finally responding to a Facebook message telling me he was really busy at work. Should I assume he's not interested? Is he playing a game of being hard to get? Should I wait another week and contact him again. I really really like this guy!
Yin replies
If you really connected then he should at least have sent you a text just to let you know he was busy so you were not left hanging like you have been. Spending so long together and being so intimate is a good sign. However, it only takes minute to send a text no matter how busy you are so this is not a valid excuse. I would wait until he contacts you now, and leave him to do the work for a little while. At least that way you will know if he is really interested.
Yang replies
Despite often ending in disaster many people play games when they are in or at the beginning of relationships. If he is playing a game it is working because you are talking about him and going over everything that happened on your date. Carry in as normal, if he contacts you then go out on another date, but don’t pine after him and read into everything that has been exchanged between you both as this will drive you crazy. Exchanging personal information is a big step, it may be he just needed a good listener so don’t hang all of your hopes on this man.
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