When Justin Bieber isn’t leaving monkeys in Germany or getting a tattoo of an owl or singing on stage, he is having wild, huge house parties at his home in California. That is the good news! The bad news is that if you go to one of these parties and tweet or Instagram about it, Biebs will sue you for $5 million (£3.3m). Ouch. According to TMZ, everyone who goes around to Chez Bieber must sign a Liability Waver and Release, which is basically a legal document that says you cannot tell anyone about what you see there. That includes telling people with your mouth, as well as tweeting, Instagramming or blogging about it. If you do any of those things and Justin Bieber doesn’t like it, then you owe Justin Bieber $5m. And that is not even the most sinister part. Apparently, there might be activities going on which are “potentially hazardous and you should not participate unless you are medically able and properly trained”, which we’re pretty sure can only mean CPR, deep-sea diving, or archery. Bieber parties hard. TMZ also reports that the risk of partying with Bieber include “minor injuries to catastrophic injuries, including death”, and also the outside possibility that you will be left in Germany forever.