Freddi Starr

Freddi Starr

Dougie and the other girl were lovely. She was missing her mam and her boyfriend and she got rather tearful and I was comforting her and made sure she was ok

Snake Rock were told that Freddie Starr wouldn’t return to the jungle.  Jessica Jane said “I really did like Freddie.  He seemed to be on the same wavelength as me and he kept pulling faces behind Stefanie’s back and making me launch so I’m going to miss him.”
Dougie said “We’ve all been missing Freddie.  He’s really fun and a really sweet guy.  I’m really bummed about that (the news).”

Freddie Talks To Ant & Dec
Following his departure from the jungle, Ant and Dec caught up with Freddie Starr. 
Freddie said:  I'm fine.  Well they couldn't find nothing wrong with me.  They tested my blood and everything like that and they couldn't find anything wrong.  They didn't know what it was.  I didn't know what it was.  It was something they said . . 
Ant: . .  an allergic reaction to something?"
Freddie:  "They said do you know two people called Ant and Dec?!"
Ant:  "It's us! (That you’re allergic to)."
Freddie continued:  "It's my own fault through not drinking enough water and Bob told me to drink two litres of water a day and I wasn't drinking it and I was doing the Bush Tucker Trial and I was feeling a bit light headed but I didn't want to show it in front of the cameras or nothing like that.
Ant: " But you feel ok now?  You're out of hospital now.  Do you feel well?"
Freddie "Yes it's the best I've felt because I had a good sleep last night.  The best sleep I've had since I've been in Oz."
He continued about his time in the camp.  "I didn't really get on with her (Stefanie).  She was a loud mouth really.  Willie was in love with her so everywhere she went, Willie would go.  She's  trying to be an alpha male.  'I've made 80 films and things' and I thought don't start that please.
"Dougie and the other girl were lovely.  She was missing her mam and her boyfriend and she got rather tearful and I was comforting her and made sure she was ok."
On Mark he said "when I first set eyes on him he was plucking his eyebrows and I thought I was up and against him and he started putting cream on his face and I thought I'm up against him?!  I thought you’ve got no chance.  You've just got no chance."
"Of course there is (a part of me that's disappointed I'm not going back in).  The way I feel now I feel fantastic.  I don't feel ill at all.  It's gone.  It's gone away."

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