Chelsea Halfpenny wants a permanent role in 'Casualty.'

Chelsea Halfpenny

Chelsea Halfpenny

The 24-year-old actress played junior Doctor Alicia Munroe for eight episodes in the medical drama from September until November last year, before she made an emotional departure, but she would love to return in the near future.

Asked if she could see herself going back to the soap, she said: "It's a possibility. I enjoyed my time in 'Casualty' and I wish it had been for longer. The people were really lovely ... If I did go back on a more permanent basis, I'd have to move to Wales, where it's filmed, but that's fine by me. I'd never been to Wales before I did 'Casualty' but I love it."

And it's not just a return to 'Casualty' the brunette beauty has her eye on, as she's also keen to step back into the Dales for a stint on 'Emmerdale' one day following her exit as troubled teenage mum Amy Wyatt two years ago.

She told Soaplife magazine: "If it was entirely up to my heart, I'd probably still be there now because I love the show and the people. It changed my life, gave me confidence and I came out of it having learnt so much.

"However, my head told me I needed to go and try other things - theatre and different TV.

"I don't ever regret leaving 'Emmerdale' but I still miss it. I feel very lucky not to have been killed off. The writers always liked writing for Amy and she was a great character to play."