Bo Bruce By

Bo Bruce By

Anyone who watched Orange Unsigned Act last year might recognise this lady as one of the final acts in the competition, but for anyone who didn’t spend their Sunday mornings drooling over Alex James, meet Bo Bruce.

After becoming the longest surviving female in the competition, Bo Bruce won us over with her soulful voice and somewhat confident personality, and whilst some people might have found her a little too cocky on the show, I can promise you, she’s one of the nicest musicians I’ve ever spoken to.

Bo Bruce By

So, like many musicians who find fame on reality shows, Bo Bruce has taken time away from the limelight to work on some new material and as she prepares to unleash her awesome talent on the world, we thought we’d give you a sneaky look at her recording a cover of Madness classic `My Girl.`

Considering the fact that this video gives me goosebumps with her just being in a little studio, imagine what she can do live…. Bo Bruce is - without a doubt - THE rising star of 2010.

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison