De Montefort lecturer chosen for fashion design project...

De Montefort lecturer chosen for fashion design project...

Formula Fashion is a new project that see five talented designers from across the UK to showcase their high quality fashion pieces inspired by Northampton's rick motorsport heritage and leather industry.

Commenting on her work, Jo said: "I considered that the most interesting body position to work with would be one that mimicked the driver’s body in the car in an almost horizontal position.

Designers involved in the project have been asked to demonstrate how different sectors can come together to spark new products and creativity.

"I was also interested in communicating the cross-over between the garment as a piece of art and that of something that resembled a more familiar piece of fashion.

"The garment has been designed to visually transform from a laying aerodynamic form to a standing position where the leather cutting and shapes of each garment fall in a new way around the body."

The creative works of fashion will be on display at the Silverstone Classic event from 22 to 24 July before touring venues in Northamptonshire and the East Midlands in January 2012.

Hopefuls intend the designs to create new connections with the area's long standing and world renowned leather design industry, which has made its mark since the middleages, not to mention it's high profile standing in the motorsport arena.

Designers involved in the project have been asked to demonstrate how different sectors can come together to spark new products and creativity. Such themes are speed, danger, the shape of the race track, high performance and racing personalities have been considered when putting together the innovative pieces.

Jo Cope's designs have been inspired by the sport's attraction to speed and the aerodynamic performance of the cars. Using Ducati yellow coated leathers, carbon fibres and rubber, she has created a 'transmorphic' garment that reflects the aesthetics of a racing car.

Much like the engineering aspect to the sport, her piece relies on the accuracy of measurements of a series of component parts for it to perfectly come together in one solid visual form.

FemaleFirst Jenna Fordie

twitter @Jenna_FAM

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