Top tips to help beat cravings

Top tips to help beat cravings

What was your New Year resolution? Yes, mine too. Get fit and eat more healthy. The good, old diet for January.

Now, how many of you are still going to the gym, or eating three healthy meals a day, with two small snacks?

Yes, I know. It gets boring. It's hard to keep going when we don't see results straight away, or we just can't curb those mid-afternoon or late-night cravings for something sweet or savoury.

So here is some little tips to help you carry on with your 'new you' plan and help to beat those food cravings. You will also need a little willpower as well.

Eat an apple – the fruit contains a fibre called pectin, which magically swells the digestive system, leaving you full for hours. The fibre is also found in carrots and potatoes amongst other things, so don't forget to add these to the shopping list and buy them in bulk.

Drink some water – more often than not we experience thirst, rather than hunger. We just don't know the difference. So when you feel the hunger coming on, drink a glass of water and wait 20 minutes, chances are you won't be reaching into the fridge for anything.

Hoodia Gordonii – Hoodia is a type of cactus, when taken it interacts with the appetite centre of the brain, telling us that we have had enough. The easiest way to take this, so to avoid pricks, is a supplement.

HCA – Hydroxy Citric Acid (HCA) is a compund from garcinia cambogia. This is a tropical fruit, which resembles a small pumpkin, which reduces appetite by telling the brain that you are full.

Chromium – Throughout the duration of the day, blood sugar levels are up and down , which makes us crave sweet things, like chocolate and fizzy drinks. Chromium is used to regulate blood sugar levels, so taking a supplement, will help to curb those cravings.

Brush your teeth – So simple, yet so effective. After brushing your teeth, it is likely that you won't want to eat. Ever had food after you've brushed your teeth? Tastes horrible doesn't it?

Do something – By changing your activity, your mind will focus on something else. So rather than sitting there thinking about food, put your mind to other uses and get one of the tasks on your to-do list crossed off.

Femalefirst Taryn Davies


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