
13 April 2022

Hay fever season: Five ways to help reduce symptoms of hay fever

Warmer weather is on the horizon but for many of us, that brings the dreaded, unwanted symptoms of hayfever. Seasonal allergic rhinitisis, a.k.a hay fever, is a skewed immune reaction ...
11 April 2022

Advantages of Consulting an Online Doctor

The environment today is still uncertain. You do not know whether it is safe to go out or not. A simple cough, sneeze, or slight sore throat are symptoms you ...
7 April 2022

Five things you need to know about migraines

Migraines. Pain so bad that you crawl under the covers and stay there for hours. Pain so severe that you feel nauseous. Pain so intense that you’ll do literally anything ...
7 April 2022

Five simple and safe ways to transform your diet

We all lead busy and hectic lives and it’s tempting to opt for a ready-made meal or processed snack, rather than a healthy portion of food that offers nutritional benefits. ...
6 April 2022

How a freedom lifestyle is possible for you too by Freedom Business Strategist Jo Davison

If you’re feeling stressed, over-worked or short on time right now, the thought of having more freedom to do the things you really want to do, has probably crossed your ...

5 April 2022

Three ways journaling can make you happier and how to start your own practice

Journaling is one of the most beneficial tools in your self development kit and when it comes to boosting your happiness it is a great daily habit to adopt. Career ...

4 April 2022

How to be a LAZY Slimming World member (and still lose weight!)

If you are anything like me- you can cook if you absolutely have to, but hate it with a passion. Or sometimes you just can’t be bothered to follow a ...
1 April 2022

Meditation and mindfulness: Stefan Chmelik on de-stressing in National Stress Awareness Month

Healthcare expert and mindfulness mentor Stefan Chmelik felt that there was something wrong with traditional meditation as it took years to learn when in fact people in panicked and stressed ...
28 March 2022

Hay Fever Season: How to differentiate between hay fever and the common cold

Colds and hay fever do have many similar symptoms which can make it difficult to tell the two conditions apart but there are some notable differences to your health. A ...
25 March 2022

Endometriosis Awareness: The impact on living with the condition

Endometriosis Awareness Month (March 2022) shines a light globally on the plight of women from puberty to menopause suffering from the condition. In the UK, around 1 in 10 women ...
24 March 2022

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month: Psychological issues women face after cancer

Ovarian Cancer Awareness month runs throughout March to highlight the illness. Many of us are unaware that persistent stomach pain or bloating, needing to use the toilet more often than ...
22 March 2022

Owning Your Health, and How Mixhers Can Help

Women helping women is a formidable testimony. We’re talking about real support, here…not gummy buzzwords or chapping the latest gimmick in social trends. When people come together and build community, ...
18 March 2022

World Sleep Day 2022: Three sleep secrets to celebrate the doziest day of the year!

The world always feels like a place of possibility after a good night’s sleep. Not only will our performance and overall mood improve when we’ve had enough kip but our ...
17 March 2022

How to look after yourself mentally: Self-care tips for days when you can't not show up

There is nothing wrong with taking sick days: be that for your mental or physical health. Being vulnerable and saying ‘I don’t have the capacity for [insert occasion]’ is a ...
11 March 2022

How to treat eczema: New breakthrough study proves certain products can improve quality of life

A groundbreaking new study, conducted by Dutch biotech company Micreos, has clinically proven that their Gladskin products can alleviate eczema symptoms and improve quality of life, in both children and ...
11 March 2022

Menstrual Cycle: Five ways your period intensifies sugar cravings

The menstrual cycle is known to affect our bodies in many ways. It can trigger emotions and physical discomfort, as well as a noticeable increase in the desire to indulge ...

8 March 2022

Dietician Sasha Watkins answers all your burning Irritable Bowel Syndrome questions

Dietician Sasha Watkins is a big advocate for good nutrition coming from natural, unprocessed food and has spent years working with healthy eating education for the whole family, nutrition research, ...

5 March 2022

DID Awareness Day: Erasing the myths of Dissociative Identity Disorder

On DID Awareness Day, we examine some of the damaging myths that people hold with regards to people with Dissociative Identity Disorder - formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder and ...
2 March 2022

Why do I constantly feel exhausted?: Six causes of extreme fatigue

The term ‘fatigue’ is often used to describe extreme tiredness or exhaustion, resulting from mental or physical exertion or illness. Fatigue can be classified as secondary, physiological, or chronic. Secondary ...
1 March 2022

Prostate Cancer Awareness Month: What men need to know

As March marks Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, Philip Charlesworth - Consultant Urological Surgeon at GenesisCare – explains how men should be aware of the disease and be familiar with the ...
24 February 2022

Struggling to sleep? Six ways you could be tarnishing your rest

Getting a good night’s sleep is important for many aspects of our health, including our energy levels, ability to repair, detoxification, immune health and our mental wellbeing. Meanwhile, poor sleep ...
23 February 2022

How stress can impact your skin: Spot the signs of ‘Resting Stress Face’ using F-A-C-E

Life has been difficult, particularly in recent times, and when it comes to self-care, you may be surprised at what the appearance of our skin can tell us about our ...
15 February 2022

Hypnotherapist says that many of us fall back into old habits

Top Hypnotherapist says that many of us fall back into old habits after one month - here he shares his 6 practical tips on how you can KEEP your New Years Resolution for ...
10 February 2022

Spotting the signs of skin cancer using ABCDE checklist

Skin cancer is one of the UK’s most common types of cancer and experts warn of the importance of being aware of changes to your own skin - but would ...