
29 January 2016

Protect your toothbrush

-  Whilst it's common knowledge that the kitchen sponge is a breeding ground for germs, it's less widely known that your toothbrush may be exposed to invisible bathroom bugs, and ...
28 January 2016

10 Reasons Why Diets Don’t Work by Mel Wells

Food Coach and Founder of The Green Goddess Life. She's Hay House's youngest author and recently became a BBC #BodyPositive Ambassador. We all have an inkling that diets don't actually ...

28 January 2016

Are We A Nation Of Pill Poppers?

It would seem we are a nation of pill poppers when it comes painkillers with Brits saying that on average they are taking a massive six painkillers a week and ...
28 January 2016

The 'Health Kick' Doesn't Last

It's that time of year when we all turn over a new leaf health wise, but according to new research, the average "health kick" doesn't last very long. Researchers have discovered ...
28 January 2016

Women still don’t know their facts

-  In 2014, about 4.3 million women aged 25 to 64 were invited to attend screening appointments yet only 3.1 million underwent their smear test. In line with Cervical Cancer ...
26 January 2016

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Milk!

Breakfast Week is well under way and milk play an important role in our first meal of the day; whether it be on our cereal or in a cup of ...

26 January 2016

Jillian Michaels' exclusive - 5 exercises you can implement into a busy day at work

Jillian Michaels is a woman who's known for her tough talk, strength, ability and drive to motivate herself and others across the globe. Now a household name for many, Jillian ...

23 January 2016

#SmearForSmear Campaign urges women not to skip their smear tests

-  Out of the UK women who are eligible for cervical screening, 3.7 million are putting themselves at risk of life-threatening cervical cancer through failing to attend cervical screening when ...
23 January 2016

Post-Christmas Blues Hits Tired Brits

Tired Brits are suffering from a bout of self-imposed January blues, with many struggling to get back into the routine of everyday life following the extended Christmas break, according to ...
23 January 2016

Brits Pay More Attention To Their Motors Than Their Bodies

The study of over 2,000 adults by life insurance provider Beagle Street shows that a third of British adults (33%) are not checking themselves as much as medically recommended for ...
22 January 2016

New Cough Medicine Tackles All Coughs

We have all experienced a tickly cough, dealt with the restless night that goes along with it and tried countless cough medicines that just don't work. Now, a clinically proven ...
21 January 2016

Ten Foods To Keep Your Heart Healthy

You cannot underestimate the importance of a good diet, especially when it comes to keeping your heart healthy, now and in the years to come. Introducing antioxidant-rich vegetables, healthy oils ...
21 January 2016

Why you should tailor your beauty regime to your period

Why is it that a bad hair day or skin breakout always seems to happen at the most inconvenient of times? You may think that it's 'just one of those ...
21 January 2016

Are Brits Too Busy To Hydrate?

The survey by One Poll for Robinsons also showed that two thirds (67%) of people claim they are 'too busy' during the working day to grab a glass of water. ...
18 January 2016

Turning Blue Monday Red - Top Tips from Joe Wicks on maintaining a healthy and lean lifestyle

We all know that feeling after Christmas - you know how much of a good time you've had, and you think "oooh, just one look at the scales won't hurt!" ...
16 January 2016

Iwan Thomas’ Top Tips For Quitting Smoking And Getting Fit

For year's I've known that my mum was suffering from a smoking related illness, but only recently did I realise she was living with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) - ...
16 January 2016

Should women take additional folate throughout pregnancy?

-  Women who are planning a pregnancy are advised to take 400 microgram folic acid supplements daily for three months before conceiving and until the end of the first trimester ...
15 January 2016

Is Positive Thinking Good For Your Health?

'Be Positive', it's easy to say, but many of us find it difficult to find something positive to say or do, when we are constantly bombarded with negativity on a ...
14 January 2016

Stay Motivated This January

It has reached the point that all the festive temptations have been cleared from the fridge and Brits finally feel motivated to kickstart their healthy new years. With 41% of ...
12 January 2016

Best Tech For Helping Achieve Those New Year Fitness Goals

Sticking to those New Year fitness goals is always a challenge, but technology can make it easier by providing clear targets, ongoing tracking of progress and plenty of useful data ...
9 January 2016

Brits Will Pay Any Price To Lose Weight

As many begin a New Year diet, Whitworths reveals that the nation would spend a staggering £23 billion, that's an average of £452 per person, if it meant they could ...
9 January 2016

Are You Working With Sleep-Deprived Zombies?

A study by the University of Leeds, commissioned and funded by Silentnight, found nearly a third of Brits were left suffering from sleepless nights, as a result of working more ...
9 January 2016

Worried about 'crooked' smiles?

-  The survey, commissioned by Align Technoogy revealed that weddings are the landmark event where concern for our appearance is most prevalent, 63% of those surveyed are taken on the ...
8 January 2016

Introducing the BBT: Body Boost & Tone Workout

When it comes to New Year resolutions, over a quarter of Brits say their top fitness goal is to tone up and build muscle strength, 68% are most conscious about ...