
8 November 2022

Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing.

Author and guru in the field of leadership and personal development Stephen Covey said in the book “ First Things First” that the important  thing was  “ To keep the ...
2 November 2022

72% Of Brits Fear Death More Than Ever

A recent YouGov study has found that since the pandemic, almost three quarters of Brits have experienced an increase in the fear of dying or losing someone close to them.  ...

26 October 2022

My experience: Being referred to the breast cancer clinic after giving birth

This article is published under no name but a true story is behind the words and in sharing it, I hope it may help another woman in a similar situation. ...
25 October 2022

Now is Prime -Time For Secondary Breast Cancer

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and it’s time to give as much attention to secondary cancer as we do primary cancer, with alarming statistics showing 31 people die every ...
20 October 2022

The metabolism and why we’ve got control of it

In our interview, Lisa-Maria Müllner, MSc (dietary therapist), a member of the RINGANA Research Team, shares all of the important facts about the metabolism and how we can influence it ...
28 September 2022

5 Self-Help Tips to Make Going Through Menopause Easier

Are you going through menopause? Do you often feel like you are not in control of your body? Well, it’s natural but you need to find the best ways to ...
21 September 2022

How To Become a Happy Woman?

Set goals and work towards them  Set goals and work towards them  Some suggestions include: 1) Spend time with positive people who make you feel good about yourself. Friends and family ...

9 August 2022

Your Super Break Down the Taboo Around Periods in the Workplace

Still to this day, talking about your period at work can feel like a very taboo topic especially if you find yourself in a predominantly male workplace and most employees ...

14 July 2022

The impact of the menopause on our eye health

When it comes to the menopause, there are certain symptoms we all immediately think of. Whether it’s the dreaded hot flushes, night sweats, weight gain, mood swings or tiredness, most ...
6 July 2022

Top five tips for healthy ageing

You may think you don’t need to even consider the effects of ageing until you’re well into your 50s or 60s, but actually the process starts much younger – as ...

18 May 2022

Trail Running: Top tips for if you're new to the sport

To help begin embracing trail adventures and trail running, and lean into the wellness aspects that come along with getting outside, medical advisor at AllTrails Dr. Suzanne Bartlett-Hackenmiller shares her top tips ...

18 May 2022

Maintain your fitness during injury recovery – recommendations and tips

If you’re reading this article, you most likely know that staying active is crucial for maintaining your health and improving your fitness. But how can you stay physically active when ...

12 May 2022

Glorious garlic: The remedial plant once kept for hog fodder

I was having a conversation with my friend the other day about garlic, as you do. We agreed that any recipe calling for garlic should have quadrupled the quantity it ...
10 May 2022

Say cheese! Who has Britain's best smile?

They say smiles make the world go round and as National Smile Month approaches on 16th May, the British public is being urged to help find the owner of ‘Britain’s Best ...
10 May 2022

Health: The link between physical exercise and dementia

As a middle-distance runner and Challenge Events Ambassador for Dementia UK, physical exercise plays a central part in Adelle Tracey’s life. Here she shares her top tips for leading a ...
9 May 2022

Mental Health Awareness Month: How to deal with impulsive spending

This month marks Mental Health Awareness Month in the US, but that doesn’t mean we can’t discuss mental health issues globally. One thing that affects a lot of people whether ...
8 May 2022

Women's Health: The benefits of period underwear while playing your favourite sport

Period underwear is nothing new, in fact it has been hot topic for a few years now. The idea that you can pop on some undies and that it will ...

5 May 2022

My Yoga Journey: Finding mental and physical fitness in one place

Like many, I had misconceptions about yoga that made me turn my nose up at my mother’s suggestion to join her in a yoga class for years. As lockdown restrictions ...
3 May 2022

Bacterial Vaginosis: Five myths debunked

Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) is not only tough on the vagina but it can be tough to identify and therefore tough to get the treatment right. The symptoms are often confused ...

28 April 2022

Endometriosis: the menstrual ‘mystery’ that likely affects 1/10 people with a uterus

When it comes to the medical gender gap, nowhere is it more apparent than getting a diagnosis for chronic pelvic pain. Endometriosis, a condition where the uterine lining grows on ...

28 April 2022

Yoga: The practice for peace of mind and fitness

Yoga is a practice challenging the fitness of mind, body, and soul, which traces back to northern India over 5,000 years ago, mentioned in the Rig Veda sacred texts. It ...
20 April 2022

How to Stay Entertained When You're Side-lined with a Sports Injury

When you play sports, being side-lined with an injury can be difficult. While you know just how important it is to take a break from playing to give your body ...

20 April 2022

'I felt like a new man': Patient shares his experience of receiving life saving stem cell therapy

As a fit and healthy man who enjoyed life, it came as a huge shock when in 2003 I was suddenly short of breath and feeling unwell that I was ...

16 April 2022

Fog Eating: How to eat more mindfully over the Easter break

By Noom Coach Megan Hilbert  It’s not uncommon to find yourself feeling a little indulgent around the Easter holiday, especially with delicious treats like Hot Cross Buns and Mini Eggs ...