
1 April 2016

What Happens When You Eat Sugar?

We all have a good idea of how alcohol can affect our body, but what about sugar? A new tool developed by Benenden outlines the affect that sugar has on the ...
1 April 2016

Beat The Traffic, Walk To Work

Walking to work can help beat the traffic and beat the bulge. If you're lucky enough to have a fairly short commute, ditching the car and choosing to walk can ...
31 March 2016

Do you know the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats?

-  The research, carried out by One Poll, showed that customers did not realise there are significant differences between spreads and margarines in terms of how they are made and ...
31 March 2016

Stay Hydrated When You Exercise

With the days starting to get a little longer and lighter, exercise regimes and training for spring and summer events are now in full swing There is evidence to suggest that ...
31 March 2016

Why More Brits Are Switching To The Cycle Lane

Independent research undertaken by Ribble Cycles has found that the petrol and parking expenses for driving into work is costing commuters in England and Wales an average of £1,634.42 per ...
27 March 2016

Bacon is off the menu

-  Britain's iconic full English breakfast is being threatened by the increasingly health conscious young, a survey has found. More than a quarter of people aged between 18-24 say they ...
25 March 2016

Sleeping In Your Make-Up Could Damage Your Eyes

The study conducted by the UK's most trusted eye healthcare group has revealed which eye-damaging habits Britons admit to, with 78% of British women confessing that they frequently go to ...
24 March 2016

Ten Reasons To Go Green

It is time to 'go green' and swap your morning coffee for a cup of matcha which seems to be all the craze right now. Whilst drinking a cup of ...
20 March 2016

The Emotional Effects Of Colour

Do you feel more lively or anxious when you're in a yellow room? This could be due to the fact that yellow is believed to stimulate nerves and speed up ...
20 March 2016

Have A Positive Mental Attitude

Just nine months after giving birth to her first child, Erika Nilsson-Humphrey was diagnosed with breast cancer. At the same time, she embarked on her new entrepreneurial business venture, Dappad, ...
19 March 2016

Gym Goers Are Trusting The Wrong People

A survey of 1,000 UK adults who exercise regularly, found that despite almost all (95%) of respondents stating they wouldn't take medical advice from anyone other than a qualified medical ...
18 March 2016

Why The Clocks Going Forward Is Bad For Your Health

According to recent research from Leeds University and Silentnight, we lose more than fifteen days of sleep on average every year. Add another hour on to this soon for the ...
17 March 2016

Put Those Thoughts To Bed

After a busy and demanding day it can be all too hard to "switch off" when you get home. You can often find yourself still running through all the things ...
17 March 2016

11-Year-Old With Rare Condition Becomes YouTube Rising Star

Nikki Christou suffers from a rare Craniofacial AVM (Arteriovenous Malformation), a condition that only three in a million people suffer from. However, that doesn't hold her back. She is making ...
16 March 2016

10 things you might not know about Menostaxis by Kaz La Mac

If you suffer from heavy periods with no known clinical reason, then a new book might be able to help you. It is based on a true account, experienced by ...

12 March 2016

The Age Of Happiness Is 39

Researchers who carried out a detailed investigation into the key milestone years of life, also found we are most body confident when we are 31, but doing the best in ...
12 March 2016

Childhood tooth loss points to a worrying trend

-  No-one can have failed to notice the big push towards reducing sugar in our diet, especially among children. The reason for this is twofold - firstly that there is ...
12 March 2016

How To Stay Motivated At Work With Music Therapy

Modern life is fast-paced and can often feel aggressively demanding. With the constant expectation that we should fill every day with activity, we often forget to take time out for ...
10 March 2016

Addressing the misconceptions of ovarian cancer

-  Ovarian cancer is diagnosed in over 7,000 women a year and it is one of the most common cancers in women, but many know little about the signs and ...
10 March 2016

Paula Radcliffe Talks Mental Health

Britain's most successful female distance runner, Paula Radcliffe, has revealed her views on mental health following her own experience dealing with the psychological pressures faced by athletes at the top ...
10 March 2016

The Importance Of A Good Night's Sleep

As the cold weather continues, National Bed Month in March provides a good excuse to stay wrapped up and think about the importance of a good night's sleep. Sleep plays a ...
10 March 2016

What is endometriosis?

-  Over the weekend it was reported that Lena Dunham has been hospitalised due to a ruptured ovarian cyst as a result of Endometriosis. This highlights that women are not ...
5 March 2016

Is Your Job Affecting Your Eye Health?

According to new data released by the UK's most trusted eye healthcare group, office workers are the most likely to develop eye problems, with nurses, teachers and those in management ...
5 March 2016

Break Free From Poor Form And Phones

Brits' worst habits when it comes to exercising have been identified, revealing that whilst we may have good intentions, we can fall victim to overly chatty exercisers and workout postponers. Research ...