
22 June 2018

4 Reasons alcohol is rife in professional football and how to tackle it

By Dr Bunmi Aboaba, The Sober Advantage We’re all aware of the big-name footballers that have had high profile battles with alcohol problems but did you know Pro footballers are ...
22 June 2018

Foods that give you bad breath

Written by dentist, bacteriologist and founder of official National Kissing Day partner The Breath Company Dr Harold Katz ( “Bad breath is a common problem across the globe and it’s ...

21 June 2018

7 Reasons why we need to fund research into MS

Kiss Goodbye to MS is the world’s biggest international community of people building awareness of, and funding research into, multiple sclerosis (MS). Hosted by the by the MS International Federation, ...

19 June 2018

Anna Williamson shares her experience of mental breakdown

Let’s be honest, nobody wants to have a complete meltdown at work… However a few years ago I found myself doing the unthinkable, bursting into tears and breaking down in ...
19 June 2018

Celebrity personal trainer reveals the top 10 exercises you can do at home

Lonan O’Herlihy is a personal trainer to the stars, working with high profile clients across the globe. He works with all of his clients remotely, via skype, training them in ...
18 June 2018

My experience of loneliness and how I overcame it

27-year-old Joyann Boyce has experienced loneliness at various points in her life, like many people. This loneliness was felt the hardest when she was at University in London and had ...

18 June 2018

5 Signs you are lonely and tips on how to fix it

With one in ten young people "always or often" feeling lonely, Amy Perrin (39), founder of Marmalade Trust, the charity behind Loneliness Awareness Week (18-22 June) opens up about being ...

15 June 2018

Kelly’s top nutritional tips for endometriosis sufferers

Endometriosis is a potentially debilitating inflammatory condition effecting 176 million women worldwide. The condition comes with many unwanted side effects which can affect women on a daily basis, including pain, ...

13 June 2018

10 Benefits Of Using A Rowing Machine

Written by Ben Scarles, Head of Strength at Grow ( A common misconception is that rowing is an upper body workout. But actually, it predominantly works the legs and core ...
13 June 2018

How Women Can Spot Early Warning Signs Of Depression

By Kitty Waters, podcast host of Kitty Talks and creator of the Do Your Dharma Course, empowering women to step into their highest potential. Connect with Kitty on Twitter @KittyWaters ...
6 June 2018

5 People Share Their Experience Of Nutrichondria

At a time when we are becoming more fixated than ever before on diet and nutrition, Britain is turning into a nation of Nutrichondriacs according to findings released today by DNAFit – the ...
3 June 2018

[Exclusive] Giulia On The Importance Of Mental Health Awareness

May 14 saw this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week; a week with the aim of reducing the stigma around Mental Illness whilst highlighting the support and services that are currently ...
31 May 2018

How To Help A Loved One To Quit Smoking

Tobacco is the single leading cause of preventable diseases and premature death, and it is estimated that over one hundred thousand people die of smoking related illnesses every year across ...
30 May 2018

What It’s Like Living With MS

By Fiona Boyd from Peeblesshire, who was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2012 and is taking part in the Kiss Goodbye to MS campaign for the first time in 2018 ...

30 May 2018

Beat The Menopause Breakfast

Whether you have chosen to use HRT or not, this breakfast is filled with vitamins, minerals, trace elements, good fats and all kinds of other nutrients that can help with ...
30 May 2018

How To Tell The Difference Between IBS And IBD

There is a common misconception, amongst the general public, that ‘Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)’ are one in the same. However, this is not the case. ...

22 May 2018

6 Signs Your Gut Problems Could Be Something More Serious

Written by Dr Gareth Parkes, Consultant in Gastroenterology, Royal London Hospital, Barts Health NHS Trust and spokesperson for Crohn's and Colitis UK The gut is an important organ within our ...

21 May 2018

5 Things You Should Know About HPV

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is a virus that infects the skin and the cells lining cavities such as the mouth and nose. It can spread easily though close skin-to-skin contact, ...
21 May 2018

How To Interact With Loved Ones Living With Dementia

This week marks Dementia Awareness Week, a week to better understand what dementia is and how to interact with those living with it. Dementia is caused when a person’s brain ...
17 May 2018

10 Things That Doctors Don’t Tell You About Fibromyalgia

By Osteopath Oliver Eaton According to the National Fibromyalgia Association, 3-6% of the world’s population has fibromyalgia syndrome, estimating that somewhere around 300 million people worldwide suffer from the condition. ...

14 May 2018

10 Signs That You Might Have Coeliac Disease

Coeliac disease (pronounced see-liac) is a lifelong autoimmune condition that affects 1 in 100 in the UK but only 24% of people have currently been diagnosed which means there are ...

10 May 2018

How To Tame Your Inner Critic

Our inner critic can often be our biggest downfall when it comes to self-confidence and our general happiness. In front of others, many find it easy to put on the ...
10 May 2018

The Lesser Known Side Effects Of Taking Hay Fever Tablets

Hay fever season is finally upon us, and to combat the runny noses and itchy eyes caused by the pollen in the air many of us will opt to take ...
8 May 2018

World Ovarian Cancer Day: Kim Gray’s Story

Today is World Ovarian Cancer Day – the one day we come together to raise awareness of a disease that kills one woman every two hours in the UK. Research ...