
28 January 2019

Taking care of down there in 2019

Thanks to some excellent campaigns and awareness raising, women are becoming very breast aware and know what is normal and what to get checked out, but what about down there? ...
17 January 2019

Gain confidence and become empowered even if you're suffering from hair loss

Hair loss is not only a male problem. Approximately six million women in Britain alone are affected. Despite being a common problem, many suffer in silence. Hair loss can be ...
17 January 2019

Simple sugar swaps: Tess Ward's top tips for cutting sugar by a third

Plenty of us are trying to make simple but huge changes to our diet now that we're a couple of weeks into the New Year. For many, this includes bringing ...
12 January 2019

Hypnotherapy: The new approach to kicking smoking for good

By Susan Hepburn, an accredited hypnotherapist and psychotherapist, with over 30 years’ experience treating clients with a range of addictions and best-selling author of several books including No 1 best ...
11 January 2019

Why you should use the Energy Alignment Method

Yvette Taylor, author of The Ultimate Self-Help Book, renowned Self-Development teacher and inventor of the award-winning Energy Alignment Method® (EAM) tells us how to start the day feeling aligned and energised with this ...
20 December 2018

Tips for those who are staying fit during pregnancy

Finding out you are pregnant is life changing and brings so many conflicting and intense emotions and feelings. For the first 12 weeks the body is flooded with hormones and ...
18 December 2018

Dietitian Hala El-Shafie reveals why most fad diets fail

December more than any other month of the year sees people over-indulge and pile on the pounds in the spirit of celebration, but that does mean that by the end ...
25 November 2018

What to do if you spot signs of domestic abuse

Being a friend to someone that you think might be in an abusive relationship can feel like an impossible position to be in. You want to help, but you feel ...
20 November 2018

Six ways that smart, portable medical devices are changing lives

The bulkiest devices have shrunk down to previously unimagined sizes over recent years. We all enjoy our mp3 players, iPads, smartphones, etc. but the portability of medical devices can be ...
20 November 2018

7 tips for an effective treadmill workout

Many fitness fanatics and runners incorporate the treadmill into their workout routine, as it offers consistency in training during cold, hot or dark outdoor conditions. There’s no need to put ...
13 November 2018

5 ways to winterproof your skin, from Dr. Pamela Benito

You either love it, or you hate it, but Winter is a time of year that we can’t avoid. As much as cosying up to the fire place or heading ...
12 November 2018

Language barriers are contributing to falling smear test rates

It has recently been reported that an alarming three million women across England have not had a smear test for at least three and a half years. More concerning is ...

7 November 2018

Study shows nostalgia could be the answer to stress

Even though stress is something that most people will struggle through in their lives, it's still not taken quite as seriously as other health conditions. Sometimes even people suffering from ...
3 November 2018

Why are British people not being honest about their mental health in the workplace?

A recent UK study has revealed that almost half of Brits who have taken time off work for mental health issues, have not being truthful with their employer about their ...
2 November 2018

Five snacks your teeth will love

Food isn’t always the villain in the tale of oral health. As much as sugary sweets and soft drinks can do great harm on our teeth, there’s a wide range ...
28 October 2018

Taking SAD seriously

If you've ever wondered why you generally feel down during the winter season, there could be a genuine explanation. SAD (seasonal affective disorder) is a real thing, and affects many ...
25 October 2018

The most popular health and fitness advice, as chosen by Brits

Following a summer of indulgence, many of us will be looking to get back to our health and fitness goals, especially as the time we spend outdoors becomes more limited ...
24 October 2018

'Let's Talk!' event to be hosted by Natalia Vodianova

Russian supermodel, philanthropist and campaigner, Natalia Vodianova, will lead a global initiative with special guests this week to get women talking about their health. The ‘LET’S TALK!’ campaign aims to ...
19 October 2018

Dr. Uchenna Okoye reveals the top 5 habits that are ruining your teeth

Every day we do things that can damage our teeth. A vibrant smile can not only make you feel more confident, but healthy teeth and gums are key to your ...
16 October 2018

Josh Connolly on being a child of an alcoholic and helping others with COAisathing

I was around 25 on the day I walked into Nacoa (The National Association for Children of Alcoholics). At that point, I had been in recovery from my own alcohol problem ...
15 October 2018

How I escaped the diet cycle, by Roxie Nafousi

Since I can remember I have been in a perpetual diet/binge cycle. My weight has always fluctuated from a place where I feel happy in my self and my body, ...
15 October 2018

Sensodyne Pronamel Strong & Bright goes pink in partnership with Breast Cancer Care

Sensodyne Pronamel Strong & Bright Enamel Toothpaste is proud to be partnering with Breast Cancer Care, the UK charity providing support for people living with and beyond breast cancer, to ...
12 October 2018

Having your GP on your phone sounds fantastic, but there are some dangers you should be aware of

The last time I tried to call my GP at 8:00am on the dot, I was caller 36 in the queue and by 8:30am there were no appointments left for ...
11 October 2018

Cannabis will be available on the NHS

Cannabis will be available on the NHS. Starting from November 1, marijuana will be available in England, Scotland and Wales for medical reasons. The decision follows the high profile cases ...