
19 May 2019

Seven things your dreams can tell you about your health

We usually don’t think too much about the dreams we have. You might see a strange dream one night, for example- but then you’ll likely never think of it again. ...
16 May 2019

Combat work stress for a happier, healthier you

Four in five (79.8%) Brits claim to be under pressure every day, and it’s impacting our overall health and wellbeing; lack of sleep, feeling run down and general health are ...
16 May 2019

"Mark my words: dyslexia is a gift, not a curse"

After learning that his daughter was also dyslexic, Karl de Leeuw set about finding a ‘cure’. His quest triggered a chain of events that will culminate in next year’s inaugural ...

14 May 2019

Six of the best exercises for mental health

When suffering with mental health issues, getting out of bed can feel hard enough. But on the flip side, exercise is an incredibly useful tool to help combat some of ...
14 May 2019

Viva La Vulva Bathroom Takeover: Celebrating the beauty of female genitalia with art

What is it about penises that makes people so tempted to draw them anywhere and everywhere, particularly all over toilet cubicles? Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly up for celebrating ...
13 May 2019

Mental Health Awareness Week: Seven easy exercises to combat depression and anxiety

It's Mental Health Awareness Week and as someone who has had her fair share of psychological obstacles, I've learnt a thing or two about fighting back. Here's a list of seven ...
11 May 2019

Points to consider before you undergo cosmetic surgery

Beauty can sometimes come at a price and not just monetary. In a world where image is believed to be the key to success, partly fuelled by the ever-increasing popularity ...
10 May 2019

Five ways Pilates can make your overall gym performance even better

From cardio to weight training, we all have individual preferences when it comes to our workout regime and how to achieve the best possible results. However, if you’re one to ...
9 May 2019

Introducing you to the world of Barreworks

At Barreworks, our clients range in age from 20-75, often in the same class - and often with the older clients ‘out-performing’ the younger ones! Lotte Berk, the doyenne of ...
7 May 2019

Running the road to recovery

-  If someone had said to me two years ago that I’d be planning to run half a dozen marathons next year, I’d have laughed, and such was my health ...
3 May 2019

Five ways stress can impact your skin

Stress can severely impact both our mental and emotional health, alongside the most visible place of all – our skin. If you believe that stress is starting to make an ...
3 May 2019

How women can put the best energy into their workouts and muscle building

For the majority of the time, women do not need to train differently to men as the principles of building muscle and losing fat are the same. Yet the reasons ...
1 May 2019

How maternal mental health affects relationships

May is Maternal Mental Health Month and figures suggest that between 10-20% of women experience perinatal mental health problems during pregnancy and the first year after having a baby. From the ...
26 April 2019

Six ways to turn yourself into a marathon machine

The infamous London Marathon takes place this Sunday (April 28), and with tens of thousands of people lacing up their trainers in order to pound the pavements for 26.2 miles, ...
23 April 2019

Three hidden signs that your body is over-stressed

With statistics showing that there has been a 28% increase in people suffering from long-term stress and that one third of British people are likely to be stressed for an entire ...
17 April 2019

Could your hormones be making you tired?

Hormones are special chemical messengers, travelling around the body in the bloodstream, between cells and organs. They affect different functions from growth and development to mood and how well we ...
21 March 2019

Olivia Buckland tells Female First why self check examinations are so important

When Love Island star, Olivia Buckland, found a lump in her breast a few years ago, the experience inspired her to encourage people to have conversations about their own breast ...
12 March 2019

It's important to learn lessons when it comes to cervical cancer

The recent story of the death of Julie O’Connor was heartbreaking to read. Bristol’s Southmead Hospital missed several opportunities to diagnose her cancer at an earlier and treatable stage. Before ...
11 March 2019

Five easy ways to check your mouth health at home: #GetMouthyAboutCancer

Every day we brush our teeth, we smile, we talk, we laugh, we kiss - all these activities involve our mouths. Our window to the world. Sometimes we wear lipstick, ...
3 March 2019

Five ways to get your five a day

Everyone knows they should be eating at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, but for some of us, this can be easier said than done. Vegetables are ...
15 February 2019

Six ways to stop bloating that don't involve cutting out food

Bloating and tummy distention are often pleas from your gut for a bit of tender loving care. While diet and a hectic social life are common culprits, you don’t have ...
4 February 2019

The damaging effects of blue light on our skin

Puzzled if your skin looks like it’s been exposed to the sun, when you haven’t actually left the house? Beware! It could be a blue light tan! You know how ...
1 February 2019

Seven reasons to make one of your five a day a juice

Many wonder just how they're going to fit their full five a day into their diet, so opting to make one of those five a juice can be the perfect ...
29 January 2019

Five household items you can use in your skincare routine

While we would all love to be able to afford the latest skincare products, for many people this simply isn’t possible. However, instead of being priced out of a good ...