Kim Wilde feels sexier at 63 than she ever did in her 20s

Kim Wilde has revealed she feels sexier now she's in her 60s

Kim Wilde has revealed she feels sexier now she's in her 60s

The singer first shot to fame in the 1980s but Kim admits she never saw herself as a "pin-up" despite her sexy image and she now "cringes" when she sees old pictures showing her wearing skimpy outfits.

She told The Times newspaper: "Even now the odd picture of me showing too much flesh still turns up and I cringe, but that was the Eighties ...

"I never saw myself as this pin-up. I never believed or felt I was that sexy ... "

Kim went on to add: "I used to try and walk this line between looking ‘all right’ and exploiting my sexuality but something changes for women when they get to 60.

"You gain a certain confidence and it feels time to embrace your sexuality. Be proud, be sexy and if you’ve got a great pair of t*** then why not make the most of them? I might get them out on my next tour. Who knows what I might do?

"All I know is I’m having more fun being me now than I ever did when I was 24 or 34."

The singer added her new-found confidence came after she passed her 60th birthday, explaining: "When you hit 60 you get a free bus pass but you also get a free pass generally. Maybe it’s a menopause thing. I’m less self-inhibited. I assert myself more. ... Like all women of a certain age, I’ve found my voice and I have moments of ‘don’t mess with me’."

It comes after the 'Kids In America' hitmaker revealed she has turned to gardening in recent years and uses it to improve her mental health because working on her plants alleviates the "stress" that comes with performing.

She told OK! Magazine: "One of the reasons I was drawn out into the garden initially was to find a way of combating some of the stress elements of my life and career, so it’s certainly about mental health as well as physical health.

"And there’s nothing in the garden that isn’t physical, – even something easy like planting a bulb is physical because you have to prepare the ground which can be a real challenge. I go to the gym a couple of times a week to do weights and all that kind of stuff but the garden is like my second gym. It’s just part of who I am.

“I can’t imagine a year without gardening, in the same way I can’t imagine a year without singing. They’re like breathing to me. I love that I can keep learning and observing and be close to nature. There’s a very spiritual element to it."

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