He Loves Lucy

He Loves Lucy

Lucy agrees to be put under scrutiny as she is buffed up by personal trainer Theo to be transformed from ‘fitness challenged’ to fabulous. She has no intention of becoming a star but for each pound she sheds she gains in other ways. As Lucy gets control of her new life and body, sparks begin to fly between Theo and the former milk dud addict. Will these two extremes ever meet in the middle?

Every woman should read this book, if they have ever had hang ups about their body. Donovan writes with honesty and makes you believe that you are with Lucy along the way feeling the burn in her thighs and the grumble in her tummy. It also gives you faith that a connection will always power through in spite of appearances. We have all fallen victim to some of Lucy’s crimes and so every lady will be able to relate to her struggles and triumphs.


This is a delicious story of a girl blossoming into her own and finding that she not only has the body she has craved for a very long time but that self-confidence can bring other things along the way.



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