Hungry diners could soon be tucking into mammoth burgers.

Mammoths could be on the menu

Mammoths could be on the menu

Scientists are working on producing lab-grown 'meat' from woolly mammoths by analysing the DNA of the extinct creatures buried in ice.

The Belgian firm Paleo has already made plant-based meat protein based on beef, chicken and pork and now want to branch out into new flavours.

The company's boss Hermes Sanctorum said: "I know that it's a bit more exotic.

"I can imagine that not everyone is really into trying something like that. But at least we can show also that we are able to produce something less obvious."

Hermes added: "You can describe it as more meaty."

The development will give humans the chance to taste a meat-free version of flesh that humans have not eaten for 12,000 years.

The experts at Paleo create the proteins through fermentation and the substance gives the meat a flavoursome taste without any animals being killed.