Amie asks :
My implant is really itchy I've had it for two years now and every now and then I get a sharp pain where my implant is
Hi Amie,
It sounds like it might not be suited to your body anymore and you need to decide on some changes with a professional to find a better match for you.
I would suggest going to see your doctor and letting them know about your problems with it as it might be time to get it taken out and use some alternative contraception.
The implant is usually only effective for two to three years anyway so these symptoms might be coinciding with you reaching the end of your treatment.
Itching and pain are two of the more uncommon side effects with the implant, so it's important to get it checked out. As with any medication you should always tell your doctor and seek advice on what to do next rather than continuing with such inconveniences.
tagged in doctor
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