You can be yourself again- You have been under a cloud for some time- blinded by your perceived love for this man. Your priority was once him and your relationship and now it's all about you and what you want for a change.
You can reconnect with your friends and family- You believed that relationships are hard work- but really they should never be as much effort as it was with him. Now you can invest your time with people you stupidly abandoned for him and hope they will take you back.
You can do the things you love- You pretended to like things he did just to make him like you more and suppressed your love for other stuff he hated- now you can enjoy the things you're passionate about without anyone telling you they suck. Because they don't.
You can laugh- Being in a bad relationship makes you unhappy all the time and sometimes you don't even realise you are that sad until the lid is lifted and you find yourself laughing at everything- your favourite sitcom- a joke with your friends or a funny You Tube clip.
You can enjoy your freedom- No longer is your life dictated by couply things- you can do what you want now- without worrying about it causing an argument or bad feeling.
You don't have to compromise- You can decorate your space how you like, eat what you want and make plans that don't have to factor in him and his needs.
You find your strength- You have a secret respect for yourself that you were the one who made the move to break free when he never thought you would. Even when you thought you were in it deep, there was a ray of light and you went towards it.
You enjoy your own space- Your bed is entirely yours, your wardrobe has enough room for your stuff now and everything around you feels cleansed now there is no sign of him.
You have more money- You don't have to factor in birthdays, Valentine's and Christmas- you can put your money away and save it for a rainy day- treat yourself or spend more money on those who are important to you.
You can follow your dreams- You put off so many things because he downplayed them and didn't support you- now you can enrol on that course you have been eyeing up, or begin a new hobby. You can fill your life with things that you have always wanted to do but didn't because he trivialised them all. NOT ANYMORE!
tagged in Love