Sky has another disturbing vision – this time Stingray melts from a happy family photo. Harold suggests Sky’s anxious about Stingray’s unselfish support of Sky and Kerry and suggests she actively show her commitment to him. Sky comes up with a unique commitment ceremony.When Dylan and Stingray learn of Boyd’s actions, they quickly mete out their own brand of violent justice. When called to attend, even Steiger defends Janae’s honour. Boyd is left a Ramsay Street pariah.Pepper manages to arrange a reconciliation meeting between Rosie and Frazer. But fate intervenes and Rosie is knocked unconscious before she can make an appearance. When she does arrive at ScarletBar, she witnesses Frazer and Janae kissing. Furious Rosie vows to Pepper that her heart is off the market. But has Frazer really betrayed her?Pepper receives another anonymous gift and decides that Paul is definitely her secret admirer. Steiger looks the other way in regard to Dylan and Stingray’s assault on Boyd. But he asks a favour in return - will the boys call him Alan?Stingray must undertake a pre-op fast. Of course the Timmins family are nothing but supportive. Yeah, right!

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