Ziggy and Chanelle spent all last night having yet another heart to heart in the caravan.The on/off couple were trying to save their doomed relationship after yet another row earlier yesterday afternoon."Don't expect to be nice to me one minute and not the next because I'm not prepared to do it, on TV or not," cried yorkshire lass Chanelle after summoning Ziggy to the bathroom."I'm not gonna f*cking wait around till we get out of here, you can't make people do this. I've got other people, pals, I could be having fun with," she contiued.Ziggy apologised but it was clear there was still an atmosphere between the couple. So the ex boyband member took action and whisked Chanelle of to the caravan to patch things up."I really am sorry for today Chanelle. You can think what you want but I really do care for you, I do," he told her."I just don't want people saying to me when I get out, 'where was your self-respect, Chanelle?'," she said starting to cry.

And she wasn't the only one to cry: "We won't have one more row in the time that we're here, not one. I don't ever want to hurt you or make you feel bad I only want to make you feel good," said Ziggy teary eyed.

Let's see how long that lasts.

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