Gung Ho Janice Loses First Bushtucker TrialI'm A Celebrity Get Me out Of Here: Janice Dickinson failed to live up to her own hype in the first Bushtucker Trial of the series when she went up against actor Marc Bannerman and cried: "Im A Celebrity..Get Me Out Of Here!"The teams had been asked to decide amongst themselves who they would like to do the trial and the Croc Creek camp all agreed it should be Marc.But in Snake Rock the decision making process wasnt as diplomatic with Janice insisting she should be the one to do it.
The former model said: "Im doing it - if you want me to do it."
But Lynne wasnt going to give Janice an easy time telling her:" The whole point is democratically discussing it."Gemma and Jay also volunteered but Janice told them: "Im ready to win."She added: "You know I will do my very best 100 per cent to kick ass no matter what if I have to eat, sleep, shit, fuck, whatever Ill do it."Lynne told her: "You are in warrior mood today. Youve got your war paint on."
Lynne added: "I mean Im definitely up for doing a Bushtucker, Bushwacker Trial some time this week."
Janice responded: "Look at me you dont think Im ready?"
Lynne replied: "Youre so ready."
"Born ready baby, lets do it," said Janice.
Marc and Janice separately made their way to the trials area.
Marc arrived first. Ant told him: "To feed yourself and the rest of Croc Creek you have to endure the first Bushtucker Trial of the series, youre not only facing your fears youre facing a member of Snake Rock youre going head to head against them."
Janice then arrived. Brimming with confidence she said: "Whats shakin? Whats crack a lackin?"The two competitors shook hands.
Marc told Janice: "Sorry Im going to have to do you. Weve got to eat."
Janice joked: "It doesnt matter to me. Im a supermodel, I havent eaten in years."
Dec told Janice: "To feed your camp youve got to do a Bushtucker Trial."
Jance replied: "Is that like a bikini wax?"
Ant then introduced the trial and Janice repined: "Good fuckin' grief!"
Ant then explained: "As you can see weve got two giant cog wheels. You will each be strapped on to one of them. A carriage will come along this little railway line and stop underneath each of you. Inside the little carriage there are five stars, you will be rotated on your cog wheel to face down so you can retrieve stars with your hands. But of course this being a Bushtucker Trial its not just stars in your carriage, the stars will have company."
Dec added: "The first person to get all five stars out of the carriage will win that round. There are five rounds so effectively the first person to win the first three rounds is the winner."
Janice asked: "Are they fast rotations?"
She was told no.
Janice replied: "Well put it on high blast and lets hit it!"
Dec told them both that they could stop each round by saying 'Im A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here!' at any time but they would then forfeit the round to their rival.
The pair were then strapped on to a wooden wheel for the trial to begin.
Janice said: "Wow this is so S and M, I think I like it."
"I have two children and this is nothing," a confident Janice added.
The first carriage was wheeled along containing eels
As Janice was spun round to face her fate she said: "Stop. Im A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here! No, not with eels no."
Ant asked: "So youre forfeiting this first carriage?"
Janice: "Yes, I cant do it. I can take any other thing, I cant do this one, Im not even going to try."
So Marc won the first round. Marc said: "Cheers Janice, thanks love."
They then moved on to the second carriage containing fish guts.
The model and TV presenter brightened up saying: "Fish guts are all right, fish guts I can do."
The pair then had to endure five rotations of their individual wheels to try and find five stars. Marc found all five and Janice managed four.
Marc said: "That stinks."
Ant praised Janice: "Well done Janice a good, decent try."
Janice retorted: "Decent? Id like to see you try junior."
Ant and Dec laughed.
Dec said: "Two nil to Croc Creek. Marc if you win this one youve won the trial.
The third carriage containing meal worms was wheeled out and Marc exclaimed: "Jesus no youre having a laugh."
Janice immediately cried out: "Forfeit, forfeit."
"Janice if you forfeit that means you will lose this trial."
Janice replied: "Im sorry I cant do it. No, no, no."
After some gentle persuasion from Ant and Dec though she changed her mind and agreed to have a go.
But despite her best efforts she failed to get any stars and ended up coughing and spluttering from the mealworms. Marc managed to get two stars. This meant that Marc had won all three rounds.
A jubilant Marc said: "Fantastic! I would have had to hang my head in shame had I have gone back with out a meal. It would have been silence and everyone would have pretended to be my friend but not really."
Janice added: "Its about compassion. I never thought in my entire life that I would choke on anything."
Marc replied: "No, youre a supermodel."
She told him: "Its not about that, its not about the model thing, its because Ive always mostly been fearless and Im amazed that I couldnt."
Marc left victorious leaving Janice alone with Ant and Dec. She asked: "Does this mean I get kicked out?"
The boys told her: "Not at all."