Sebastian Darke is the real hero of this story but typically he’s left it to me, his faithful companion Max, to tell you all about it.Young Sebastian has the hopes and fortunes of his family resting on his shoulders so together with his trusted companion, the dashing and witty Buffalope Max (that’s me!), he must journey to the far-off city of Keladon to seek the patronage of King Septimus. The trouble is, his father was the one with all the talent. Sebastian doesn’t really have what you’d call ‘the gift’. In fact, as far as jesters go, he’s pretty hopeless. So it’s probably just as well that his quest, if you can call it that, is interrupted by enough thrills and spills and mortal peril to keep anyone busy, with just a tiny dash of romance thrown in for good measure. This fantastical fairy-tale yarn has all the hallmarks of a great buffalope adventure story; you will gasp in amazement at my audacious feats of derring-do and chuckle at my witty one-liners. I’m also reliably informed that you will adore the beautiful, yet feisty Princess Kerin (she isn’t quite hairy enough for my tastes) and even I was impressed by Cornelius the pint-sized warrior and his famous Golmiran Death Leap. Sebastian, I suppose, manages to hold his own in a couple of fights and even tells a funny joke or two. I still think it should be my name on the cover of the book though. Sebastian Darke: Prince of Fools cannot possibly fail to win over even the most serious of readers. Fans of Shrek and The Princess Bride will love it.About the Author
Philip Caveney is a copywriter from Manchester. He has had several adult thrillers published, but has now turned his hand successfully to children's books. He lives with his wife and 13 year old daughter. Sebastian Darke